Free Web Hosting India
Now We are discussing free Web hosting India, is one area that costs can easily accumulate, as hosting packages. Generally, these hosting packages are sold out monthly with the certain price. There are providers in India offer free web hosting, but these packages are not suitable for business.
Web Hosting (Free of Cost) comes with limitations such as server space, traffic, uptime guarantee, site speed, and backup provisions are features that are often shortened.
All time 39% off Discount Hosting – BlueHost India
Hosting. India. To is a well-known free Web hosting provider in India and specialized in Linux hosting. If you are looking for Linux hosting, you may better to choose Hosting. India. To. You will be benefited with this hosting solutions and it is free, and professional hosting solutions without any price.
- Free Setup
- Free 1GB Storage Space
- Free 1GB Bandwidth/Traffic per month
- Free cPanel Linux Hosting Control Panel
- 5 E-mail Accounts
- 1 MySQL Database
- Subdomains -1
- 1 FTP Accounts
- 24/7 Customer Support
000Webhost providing free Web hosting India. It includes 1.5GB of space, 100GB of bandwidth per month and supplementary email accounts. It has no limits on website creation and management attributes. It also provides website traffic statistics, free SEO analysis tools and tutorial guides for help to promote your website.
- Bandwidth of 100GB
- Disk Space 1.5GB
- Panel: cPanel
- Email Accounts: 5
- FTP: Yes
Freehostia offers different hosting prices and it gives 250MB disk space, 6GB bandwidth each month. It is MySQL & PHP compatibility and 3 POP3/OMAP email accounts. Server uptime is guaranteed at 99% and 24/7 user support. Freehostia offers chocolate flavor plan and it is free cloud-based hosting. WordPress, Joomla, and other PHP scripts can be installed by using Freehostia Elefante.
- Disk Space 250MB
- Hosted Domains: 5
- Monthly Bandwidth: 6GB
- Email Accounts: 3
- Free website building tools
Related Hosting
Top 4 WordPress Web Hosting Providers
5GB free hosting space to users and along with 20GB of bandwidth monthly, 3 MySQL Database and PHP scripting. It mainly focuses on cutting-edge technology with high security and it is using CloudLinux OS.
- Bandwidth: 20GB
- Disk Space: 5GB
- Panel: cPanel
- My SQL Database: 3
- FTP: 1 is running since 2005, it is one of favorite hosting provider for a long time. It provides the bandwidth of 250GB and it also includes 10GB server space and one email account. For users without a domain name, free subdomains will have provided for them for example
- Storage: 1500MB
- Domain: Free subdomain or free domain name
- Bandwidth: Unlimited
It describes Free Web Hosting India and it is feature packed free web hosting services on the internet. It includes 6GB of space and 50GB of monthly bandwidth with the support of PHP latest version MySQL databases.
- Bandwidth: 50GB
- Disk Space: 6GB
- Panel: Zymic
- MySQL Database: 3
- FTP: Yes provides website builder tool and unlimited storage space, it is a free web hosting provider with an email marketing platform.
- Storage: Unlimited
- Domain: Limited to Free Bravenet subdomain
- Bandwidth: Unlimited
Related Hosting – Top 10 Best WordPress web Hosting 2017 is most popular site building platform and browser-based website builder, it comes with easy website setup with fewer features.
- Storage: 500MB
- Domain: (Sub-domain)
- Bandwidth: 500MB monthly
Related Hosting – Knownhost Web Hosting
Awardspace provides neutral hosting of CO-2 with all servers running on wind-generated electricity. It is free with 1GB of storage of storage. 5GB of bandwidth per month and 5 MySQL.
- Storage: 500MB
- Domain: (Sub-domain)
- Bandwidth: 5GB
- Disk Space: 1GB
- Domain Hosting: Yes
- FTP: Yes
- Ads: No
U Host Full
U Host can set up a site within five minutes and provides host on the one-click installer for platforms like WordPress, Joomla, PHP, and Zen Cart. Uptime is guaranteed at 99% with unlimited server space provided with unlimited bandwidth per month.
- Bandwidth: 1000GB
- Disk Space: 1000GB
- Domain Hosting: Yes
- FTP: Yes
- Email accounts: 2
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